Resident Questions for Housing Area Panel


Reference: C2.4  

Question Title

Cleaning at Essex Place  

Date question raised


Week of Area Panel


Area in city


Star rating applied by residents

2 Stars – Local Issue

Deadline for officer response

9am on 19th January

Name of officer responding

Chloe McLaughlin

Officer job title

Estates Manager

Resident Question


Cleaning at Essex Place is not up to standard. Floors are only done occasionally, and the bin room is not cleaned. There are also concerns about health and safety as notices are not put up when floors are wet and slippery.


None supplied.

Action requested:

What oversight is there to ensure that cleaning is being done to the required standard and health & safety issues followed? What action is taken if cleaning is not being done properly?

Officer Response

Officer contact details:

Chloe Mclaughlin

Officer Response:

Responsibility for this work is with the Housing Estates Service. Team leaders and managers have inspected Essex Place multiple times. When an inspection has taken place, they have noted that the cleaning is of an acceptable standard. 


Floors are scheduled to be cleaned once monthly and the ground floor and lifts daily. The bin room is cleaned once a week, after the bin crew have attended.  


The cleaner for Essex Place has been reminded that the wet floor signs need to be placed in the area she is working.


To report any issues in relation to the Estates Service on 01273 294769 or



Regular inspections of Essex Place by the team leaders to continue,  including checks to make sure wet floor signs are put out. Residents to report any concern as they are noted.

Start date:


End date:

Ongoing – quality checks, 121s etc